Terms & Conditions of service for contracts with TANO SAFARIS LTD.

These terms and conditions shall apply to all contracts made by TANO Safaris with the organiser/client and constitutes the entire and exclusive agreement between TANO Safaris and the organiser/client. No subsequent agreement in any way altering these terms and conditions shall be binding to TANO Safaris unless made in writing and signed by an authorised officer of TANO Safaris.

Deposits and payments

A deposit of 50% is required on confirmation of booking and the balance to be paid not later than 45 days prior to the commencement of services. For bookings made within 45 days of travel, the full cost of the services is required upon firm booking instructions in order for TANO Safaris to confirm the services. In the event that TANO Safaris has not received payment in full by the date of commencement of services then TANO Safaris reserves the right in its absolute discretion to withhold all or any of the services. TANO Safaris shall be entitled to collect the outstanding payment from the client direct and to recover all related cancellation fees as per the cancellation policy. TANO Safaris shall not be required to notify the Organiser, the Retailer or the Client prior to the date for commencement of services that all or part of the services will be withheld. Payments to TANO Safaris may be done via Bank Transfers only.



All bookings are subject to cancellation fees as assessed by the providers of the services and include but are not limited to accommodation, airlines and ground services. Reservations that are cancelled or reduced in length of stay, or numbers of passengers are subject to cancellation charges as set out hereunder. All cancellations must be received in writing. Cancellation received between:

– 90 days or more prior to the commencement of services will receive a full refund.

– 89 and 46 days prior to commencement of services shall be charged at 15% of the total cost of services.

– 45 and 22 days prior to commencement of services shall be charged at 50% of the total cost of services.

– 21 days or less, prior to commencement of services shall be charged at 100% of the total cost of services.

– Cancellations received within 6 days or after commencement of services shall be charged at the full cost of services.

NOTE THAT from time to time certain properties may apply different cancellations or payment policies which will be communicated upon booking request with sufficient notice and these will be deemed to form part and parcel of this contract.

The liability to reimburse TANO Safaris for the cancellation fees, non-refundable booking fee, no-show fees, administration fee and the like shall in no way limit or restrict the general rights of TANO Safaris to collect damages for breach of contract. We recommend that all travellers obtain their personal trip cancellation insurance, which is available for coverage of expenses in conjunction with cancellation due to illness or accident. Baggage insurance is recommended.


Claims and Refunds

Refunds are not made for any missed services, except for verifiable extenuating circumstances. For verifiable claims to be considered, they must be received in writing within 30 days of the termination of the program and be accompanied by supporting documentation and/or a statement from the Operating Company verifying the claim. Any adjustment considered will be based on the actual price of the services involved and not on a per diem basis. Adjustments will not be made for unused sightseeing trips or meals. TANO Safaris will not accept any liability for any claims that are not received within 30 days of the termination of the travel program. TANO Safaris is not responsible for delays, changes or cancellation costs due to incorrect, incomplete or expired travel documents.


Limits on Responsibility

TANO Safaris will use its best endeavours to ensure that the transport, accommodation, meals and other agreed services (herein called “Services”) provided are fully in compliance with the information given to the client/agent. TANO Safaris does not own or operate any entity which is to or does provide goods or services for the Services, and these are purchased form various independent suppliers. TANO Safaris acts solely as an agent for the client with respect to all transportation, hotel and other tour arrangements. TANO Safaris is not liable for any negligent or willful act of any such person or entity or of any third person. 

  1. TANO Safaris accepts no liability in the event of Services not being carried out or being altered by any matter whatsoever beyond control. Such matters include but are not limited to the closure of National Parks, Sanctuaries, Hotels/Lodges and such like matters and TANO Safaris reserves the right to make such alterations to the itinerary when in its sole judgment it is deemed necessary or desirable for the comfort, convenience or safety to the client.
  2. TANO Safaris accepts no liability for alleged inferior or inadequate Services or transportation vehicles nor for the negligent, careless or wrongful acts or omissions of hotel keepers, inn keepers, lodge keepers and such like persons and their servants and agents or any other person not in the employment of the Company.
  3. TANO Safaris neither assumes nor bears any responsibility or liability for any injury, death, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity arising in connection with the services of any airplane, train, ship, automobile, motor coach, carriage, or other conveyance, or the actions of any third-party involved in carrying the passenger or in affecting the itinerary.
  4. TANO Safaris accepts no responsibility for airline reservations and reconfirmations nor any liability for damages arising from any changes of airline schedules, cancellation of flights or errors and mistakes made by airline offices or travel agents.
  5. TANO Safaris is not responsible for damages, additional expenses, or any other losses due to cancellation, delay or other changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, strike, war, civil disturbances, acts or threats of terrorism, travel warnings or bans, termination or suspension of war risks or other carrier insurance, quarantine, acts of God or other causes beyond its control. All such losses must be borne by the passenger, and tour rates provide for arrangements only for the time stated. In the event of cancellation, delay or rescheduling mandated by any of the aforesaid causes beyond TANO Safaris’ control, the passenger shall have the option of accepting in lieu of the original tour/Services such rescheduled tour/Services or other substituted tour/Services as may be offered. TANO Safaris shall not have any obligation or liability to the passenger in the event that Services of equal value having been offered to the passenger are declined.
  6. TANO Safaris may at its discretion employ sub-contractors to carry out all or any part of the Services in which event the indemnities provided above shall be deemed to apply also to the sub-contractor.
  7. Without limitation, TANO Safaris is not responsible for any injury, loss, death, inconvenience, delay or damage to personal property in connection with the provision of any goods or services whether resulting from but not limited to acts of God or force majeure, illness, disease, acts of war, civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labour activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading of services, food poisoning, mechanical or other failure of aircraft or other means of transportation or for failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive or depart on time. There are certain inherent risks in travel. These include, but are not limited to, hiking, walking safaris, climbing injuries and altitude sickness, and in all trips dangers of animals, inaccessibility to medical attention and difficulty in evacuation from remote locations in the case of a medical emergency. The passenger assumes all liability to such risks with regard to these possibilities.
  8. TANO Safaris reserves the right to exclude any client, at his or her sole expense, due to the state of health, conduct, manners or for other reason that may present a hazard to themselves or to others, or impact the smooth execution of the Services. This client will have no right to any compensation or refund for the unused days of the tour, and will pay for the charges arising from the cancellation.

Prices and rates

Prices are based on current rates of exchange, tariffs and taxes. TANO Safaris reserves the right to increase tour prices to cover increased costs, tariffs and taxes, and to reflect fluctuations in foreign exchange markets.


Governing law

These terms and conditions shall be read and construed in all respects in accordance with the Laws of Kenya and the Company and the Organiser shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Kenyan Courts.




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